Septarian Nodule Dragon’s Egg

Septarian Nodule Dragon’s Egg


Approx. Weight: 1 3/4 lbs
Approx. Size: 4.25” x 3.25” x 3”

$115 + tax



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Septarian Nodules - Root & Solar Plexus Chakras - were formed between 50 to 70 million years ago. Resulting from volcanic eruptions, Dead Sea life was chemically attracted to the sediment around them, cooling and drying, these mud balls were formed. This is a semi polished stone also known as Dragon’s Egg. 

I have used the remarkable Septarian stone during spiritual coaching sessions to amazing results! Septarian helps to unlock damned up emotions that have been gurgling just below the surface. Once unlocked, there is a freeing energy that supports emotional healing. Subsequently, there is a gentle disruption of outmoded behavioral patterns. This affects all areas of your life.  This stone is also known to increase self-awareness through journaling and inner work that ultimately helps lifts self-esteem.

Septarian aids in uncovering ancestral obligations that no longer apply. While holding this stone, contemplate life, past and present, opening to beneficial information, like thought forms that have accumulated. Physically, Septarian's powerful combination of minerals supports the healing process of broken bones and stressed muscles. Hold this Dragon’s Egg and visualize your bones knitting or your muscles relaxing.

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