Carnelian VI

Carnelian VI


Approx. Weight: 1/3 lbs
Approx. Size: 2.5” x 1.75”

$30 + tax



Carnelian - Sacral Chakra – stimulates and controls the flow of energy to and from the body and mind. Sacral is the center of gravity. 

When balanced, one feels life’s pleasure, joy, sensuality and flexibility to go with the flow in good spirit. Also, an aid in healing blockages, traumas, and recovering one’s purpose in life.  

Placing this crystal on your belly while meditating may help to remove fear and encourage acceptance. 

Indecision and procrastination can be swept away replacing it with spiritual awakening, returning one to a whole Self.  

Carnelian, the heat stone of the lower three chakras, promotes daring explorations.

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