Sardonyx Silver-Wrapped Pendant with Black Leather Cord

Sardonyx Silver-Wrapped Pendant with Black Leather Cord


Price: $27.00 + tax
Size: approx. 1.5”


(Domestic Only) (Int'l Shipping Unavailable)

Sardonyx (Root Chakra) is associated with courage, happiness and clear communication. It may bring lasting happiness and stability to marriage and partnerships. Its ancient use was as a stone of strength and protection. 

Sardonyx can be placed at the four corners of a house or apartment to protect against negative energy.

Sardonyx crystals inspire incredible charisma. So be careful how it is used so as not to engulf anyone. Wearing one might be best when additional empowerment is desired. 

Comes with Suede Cord. Sterling Silver Chains sold separately.
Click here to purchase Sterling Silver chains.

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