Bloodstone Pendant Silver Wrapped with Earth Tone Suede Cord

Bloodstone Pendant Silver Wrapped with Earth Tone Suede Cord


Price: $27.00 + tax
Size: approx. 1.5”


(Domestic Only) (Int'l Shipping Unavailable)

Bloodstone (Root Chakra) as the name implies, is an excellent blood cleansing tool. Through purifying the blood, detoxifying the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder, Bloodstone revitalizes an exhausted body and mind

Bloodstone is also believed to have mystical powers concerning weather. This stone has powerful healing energies for removing auric field negativity and aligning subtle energies 

Bloodstone, a “stone of courage,” may increase intuition, grounding, and protecting against adverse influences. Bloodstone supports courage of following your true path, the path of the spiritual warrior. Bloodstone is a clarity booster and energy revitalizer.

Bloodstone may aid in revealing and recognizing divine timing during tumultuous events. In other words, these may be times of deep transformation.

Comes with Suede Cord. Sterling Silver Chains sold separately.
Click here to purchase Sterling Silver chains.

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