Available in a Range of Frequencies

The full spectrum of these highest quality singing bowls contains pure 99.99% clear quartz. That is related to the seven energy centers (chakras) and thus heals the listener by bringing into the human aura pure light through sound as specific color. Crystal acts as an oscillator, magnifying, and transmitting pure tone and energy into the atmosphere, filling a person's aura with vibrational radiance, which translates into the seven main colors of the rainbow.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates to wheel or disk. There are seven main chakras or swirling wheels of energy that move through the base of the spine (Root Chakra) to the top of the head (Crown Chakra). The Heart Chakra is where the energy of matter and consciousness meet.  Hearing the Crystal Signing Bowls engages the frequencies of the vital life force, Prana (Invisible Energy), thereby balancing, opening and aligning the vibrant, healthy, and alive Self.

Choosing a Frequency

When choosing a frequency that corresponds to a chakra, consider where you are in your life and spiritual development. If you are unsure, please consult with Rev. Jeep or someone whose intuition and knowledge you trust. It may be beneficial to consider the 10” OM bowl if it is your first or only bowl. Its frequency is associated with clearing negative energy and has a universal note that aligns and charges all chakras.

Shop Crystal Singing Bowls

Root Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls
from $185.00
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Heart Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls
from $210.00
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Om Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls
from $185.00
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Sacral Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls
from $185.00
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Throat Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls
from $195.00
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Solar Plexus Crystal Singing Bowls
from $185.00
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Third Eye Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls
from $195.00
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Singing Bowl Chakra Guide

  • Root Chakra: C Note / Red Color / Lam Sound.  Essential Focus - Located at the base of the spine, this chakra supports your physical and spiritual foundation; stability that supports all other chakras; when grounded in root chakra you are free from anxiety, fear, frustration and/or insecurity. The chakra is associated with prosperity and health. Purchase a Root Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl >
  • Sacral Chakra: D Note / Orange Color / Vam Sound. Essential Focus - Located two inches below navel, this chakra when balanced overcomes the tendency to be emotionally overwrought, unsettled or frustrated; when balanced you will fee fluidity of emotions, pleasure and sexuality. Purchase a Sacral Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl >
  • Solar Plexus: E Note / Yellow Color / Ram Sound. Essential Focus: Located below the sternum and above the navel, imbalanced chakra can lead to being easily persuaded and/or controlled by others and fear of rejection; this chakra is the source of will and power, purposeful living, vitality and an increased energetic ability. Purchase a Solar Plexus Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl >
  • Heart: F Note / Heart Color / Yam Sound. Essential Focus - Located in the middle of the chest, imbalance in your heart chakra may lead to feeling emotionally sensitive and loneliness; balancing your heart chakra brings acceptance, deeper compassion, loving and caring. Purchase a Heart Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl >
  • Throat: G Note / Blue Color / Ham Sound. Essential Focus - Located in the throat near the thyroid gland, imbalance here may bring isolation, a lack of voice or being heard or a tendency toward gossip, realignment of this chakra improves communication, creativity and brings harmonious exchanges. Purchase a Throat Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl >
  • Third Eye: A Note / Indigo Color / Aum Sound. Essential Focus - Located about on inch above the center of the eyebrows, lack of balance here reveals lack of discipline and an inability to trust gut feelings; finding alignment here will improve your situational perception, positive imagination and intuition. Purchase a Third Eye Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl >
  • Crown: B Note / Violet Color / Ng Sound. Essential Focus - Located at the crest of the head, out of balance when you feel spiritually disconnected, attached to stuff and stuck in material value; when crown chakra is balanced you will experience spiritual connection with the Universe and a wise sense of understanding. Purchase a Crown Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl >
  • High Heart: F# Note / Turquise Color. Essential Focus - Located between the heart and throat chakras, for those who experience negative energy, lack or forgiveness, fear and/or denial of changes, and alignment here offers selflessness, unconditional love of humanity, immune system balance and peacefulness, empathy, joy, patience, and balanced emotions. 
  • Zeal: G# Note / Deep Magenta. Essential Focus - Located at the top of the spine in the back of the head, at the base of the skull, imbalance here causes low energy (even with plenty of rest and sleep), mood swings, low self-esteem, depression, feeling ungrounded and out of touch with one's own life when this chakra is opened then there is dimensional communication, clairvoyance, love of your being ness and a gentle gracious spirit. 
  • Soul Star: A# Note / Magenta. Essential Focus - Located above the top of the head, above the crown chakra, when this chakra begins to open we understand that we are eternal souls, not our impermanent bodies; this chakra is where we unite with out higher selves and develop spiritual facilities.
  • Om: C# / White. Essential Focus - Located above the crown chakra, connection to your higher self; universal understanding, universal truth and oneness. It may be beneficial to consider the 10” OM bowl if it is your first or your only bowl. It's frequency is associated with clearing negative energy and has a universal note that aligns and charges all the chakras. Purchase an Om Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl >

For help choosing a Crystal Singing Bowl, contact Rev. Jeep!